Monday, February 2, 2009

My Heart takes a picture

Sunday was one of those special days that your heart takes a picture. It was Abigail's blessing day. I had the privilege of holding my precious little granddaughter in my arms during Sacrament meeting and the sweet memories of holding her dear sweet mother in my arms the day she was blessed came flooding back so vividly to my mind. Abigail has the same sweet face that her mother did at her age and just holding her brings back the sweet memories of when I was a new mother. It's these special memories that keep all the wicked things of the world at bay for me even if it's a short time. I've been thinking a lot lately of what it means to be a mother of such wonderful spirits of my Heavenly Father. What did I do to be so lucky to have such wonderful blessings in my life. I love my children so much that words cannot describe the feelings accurately. They bring both my most cherished memories and my biggest heartaches. I've decided that being a mother is my biggest test in this life. Sometimes I wonder if I'm quite up for the task. I feel very inadequate at many times. I am lucky though because I know at these times I can listen to that still small voice of the spirit and feel the promptings and advice from a loving Heavenly Father. At times though I find that my pride gets in the way and blocks that sweet advice and the advasary starts in with the frustrated feelings of inadaquicy that he loves to provide. This life is definetly a test of wills. I long for the day when all is well. I have been blessed with very wise and choice spirits. I need to trust that Mike and I have taught what is needed to survive the cruel pleadings and enticements of Satan. I see my children each day fight him and his followers. I am so proud of their willingness to do what is right. I see some struggle and slip but they are willing to push forward. I see Melissa and the wonderful mother that she is and I wonder where she learned all that she knows. She is absolutly resilient in her teaching of right and wrong. She most definetly is a Mother in Zion. Thank you Father in Heaven for giving me the opportunity to learn from such valient spirits.

1 comment:

  1. That is a beautiful tribute to your children and grandchildren. Thanks for sharing. HAve a great day
