Sunday, March 29, 2009


I love Sundays! Talk about a day for rejuvenation! We talked about 'prioritizing' in RS/Priesthood combined meeting today. I really fall short in this area. But it made me feel ok knowing that I certainly am not the only one. Wow... when someone that you think has it all together and then they make the same comment that I've just been thinking..... it's great to know that we're all in the same boat, sailing the same rough waters. I especially liked one quote by Thomas S. Monson when he was a mission pres. "Attitude = Altitude" Think about it!! Our attitude and pride is what will keep us out of the Celestial Kingdom and our Heavenly Father's presence. It was a great lesson. Thanks Brother Holt. I also came across something else that was said in a lesson quite a while ago that I wrote in my quote/spiritual lessons learned in church book that I really like. The 3 Essential Components for Happiness:
1 Someone to Love
2 Something to do
3 Something to look forward too
Thanks Brother Dodge for being a great 'discussion leader', as you like to put it. I'm thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows just what I need and when I need it and places me where I will hear it.

The Draper Temple dedication was another spiritual high for me. We had Stake Conference that day, came home for dinner and then went back to the Stake Center for the dedication. It renewed my want and need to go more often to the temple. I feel so much peace when I'm there I can't figure out why I don't make the time to go more frequent. There's that prioritizing again. I've actually made a short master list of my priorities:
1 God/Spiritual
2 Family
3 Work/Home/Exercise
4 Fun
If I try to involve my family in all 4 areas then we should become closer as a, for those of you that know me, they are very important to me. I seem to find myself caught up more with the mundane things of life and that is not even on my master list. I think that the Higher Source is going to have to help me out with my list and my getting things in perspective.

The wedding of my lovely niece and her boy Chuck was fabulous. I especially enjoyed the sealers comments. Another day to take a picture with my heart. My sister Diane looked beautiful. I hope that we can start doing more together. Family... it's very important to me. All of my children were there and it seems such a rarity when that happens. They grow up soooo fast! Where did my little babies go? Today at the dinner table there was so much quiet that I just had to comment that you could tell that Kallie was gone, or for that matter any of my girls! I said that I didn't know how I would get through the next 3 years if this was what is was going to be like. Trying to get a conversation going with two 15 year old boys was really quite painful and eventually I gave up. This too I shall endure. I miss my girls. Kallie is in NY right now on choir tour and it is very quiet here. Well, until next post. Keep smiling Ü