Sunday, February 8, 2009

Glad to Still Be Here

I had a very frightening but spiritual experience yesterday. I was traveling home from doing an insurance medical exam on a woman that lived in the Brickyard area of Salt Lake. I was making a left turn onto State St. from 33rd South. I was the first car waiting for my green arrow to turn. I got the green arrow and started to pull out into the intersection. All of a sudden I heard this voice in my head telling me to stop... so I did... I looked again at the green arrow and said out loud "the arrow is green" so I started again to go when all of a sudden this car heading north on State St. ran his red light (VERY RED LIGHT) going at least 45 to 50 mph. Needless to say he would have tee-boned me in the driver side door had I not stopped. I feel very blessed that I had that warning and that I listened. I truly feel that I may have been killed or very seriously injured if I had not stopped. The people behind me I think were amazed that I stopped as well. When they passed me a while later on State St. they both looked at me and smiled. Thanks for the Holy Ghost and the promptings that we receive and thanks to a loving Heavenly Father who offers these experiences for our growth, no matter how frightening they may be. Again I want to say how much I love my family. I came home and hugged all that was here and later just held Abi for comfort. I didn't want to drive the rest of the day. Later while Mike and I were watching the news there were 2 traffic accidents reported and Mike commented that "that could have been you". Again thank you Heavenly Father for more time with my family.
On a lighter note! In two days I will be flying to Florida to see my beautiful niece in her finale Belle performances. It is hard for her to see it all end but she has a very cute prince charming here waiting for her and she's excited for that. Thanks mom for this opportunity!! Ü


  1. Uh, WOW story. Geez! You're meant to be here with us, lady! :-)

    So excited for you guys to come in two days! YAY YAY YAY! You're gonna love Disneyworld!

  2. Man, I'm glad you weren't hit by that car! That is really an amazing experience! This is my blog address:

  3. This is Bethany by the case you didn't remember my new last name :)
