Sunday, January 25, 2009

I really need to get an updated picture of the family!! Ü This is the only picture that we have Ryan in but it was taken in Oct. of 2005. We have since added Nathan and Abigail. Matthew has shot up to 6+ ft. and Ryan no longer looks like a little boy. Kallie hates her hair in this picture but it will do until we get another one. Any suggestions on good photographers that don't charge an arm and a leg?

My Three Girls and Me

Monday, January 5, 2009

Remembering & Pondering

As I sit here at the beginning of 2009 I look back on the joys and heartbreaks of my life and realize that I have an awful lot to be greatful for. My Heavenly Father really does love me and there is really a purpose in my being her at this time. Having survived 3 episodes of near death and experiencing a beautiful field of flowers and a warm brightness during the last of these times I definetly get the feeling that I have more to accomplish. I would like to think that it has somthing to do with being a mother and grandmother (there is nothing more wonderful). I love being around each one of my children and playing a part in their adventures. I love sitting down on the floor and playing with my little grandson and enjoying the sweet spirit that he is. They are the joys of my life and I look forward to thier continued growth and happiness as they find and share thier sweet spirits with others. I have a sweet man that loves me just how I am even with my many faults and moods. He brings me breakfast in bed and while I enjoy a calgon soak in the tub. He rubs my back and feet when they ache. He cleans the toilet and does laundry. He is a great cook and has played chef for many years because he loves me. I am so grateful for the knight in shinning armor that he is for me. He is a great father and a spiritual giant in our family. He respects the priestood in which he holds and the great power that it is. He has blessed all of us with it. I love my extended family. My mother especially is an outstanding example of what following in Christ's footsteps really is. She has done so all of her life without complaining or feelings of self pity. She truely has earned her rewards in Heaven at our Fathers feet. I admire her strength and integrity. Her willingness to tough it out to the end. I hope that I can be half the woman she is. I love my sister and my 2 brothers. They all have endured many trials and have overcome many hardships. I would like to be closer to all 3 of them and share more in their lives. I hope that this new year will afford those opportunities for me to do so. I look forward to Amy's sealing with her sweetheart Chuck. Our family just keeps growing with fabulous people being added. I love all of my dear neices and newphews. I hope that I will get the chance to associate with the few that I don't see very often. I love being an Auntie almost as much as a mother. Well here's to the new year and all the wonders that it will bring. May I have the strength and courage to overcome my trials for they are hand picked just for me by a loving Father. May I face my sorrows with understanding and faith that a brighter dawn is around the bend. May I see and recognize the joy in everything around me. May I become a better person!! Ü